Tuesday 26 April 2011

Mistress Crimson Ophelia

Well at last, the first photo-rendition for the Pre Raphaelite inspired series of paintings
is ready for enlarging on the A2 printer. For the fans of John Everett Millais, the
first and most obvious comparison is that I'm not wet, in fact I am nowhere near
the Denmark based stream that Ophelia drowned in after falling from the overhanging tree
just as in the Shakespearian play. Another very obvious and notable point is that
gone is the pose of the late victorian martyrs with the upturned face and
open arms which has been replaced with something of a more contemporary stance.
It was mentioned that my Ophelia would not have drowned in the famous stream
but more likely succumbed to her icy death in the bottom of a pint glass full
of Magner's.......oh your an art philistine mca.

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