Saturday, 14 May 2011

Return of the Eco Warrior

300 million years ago, the heaving, volcanic depths of planet earth erupted it's
igneous granite batholith upwards and outwards which in turn formed the 250 sq
miles of Dartmoor rock that we know and love so much today. In it's most exposed
places, the granite intrusion endured millions of years of erosion and in turn,
created the magical and mystical tor formations that have been steeped in folklore
and legend throughout the centuries. The main composition of granite is
large and small deposits feldspar which is mixed with equally large amounts but
smaller in size varieties of quartz and mica the result of
all of this....I DON'T SLEEP.
Dartmoor is basically one GIANT crystal which channels all of the earth energy
resulting in something called Geopathetic Stress. This has many side effects, the
most appropriate being the lack of sleep variety that has been plaguing me for ages.
Hospheria Belladonna Callisto barked the words "crystal therapy" to me, so it was
off to the shops to buy some amethyst to place around the bed, and just for once, I
was an incredibly good girl as I didn't return with shoes. However I also didn't
return with the amethyst that I originally went for as the crystal shop was all
out. I am presuming there are many others with the earth energies running amok
with their sleeping patterns too.
Well I have been very busy creating together with the angelvixen collective recently,
in fact all work and no play has turned Amelia into a very dull girl. The monthly
high was definitely the oil paint bargain of the year which resulted in me filling
the primary colour void for only twenty pounds. The monthly low was being
mistaken for somebody else that clearly wasn't me....wrong bloody artist for a
bloody start....bloody about giving somebody a bloody complex. I think the
goth look has a lot to do with that sometimes, hence..BLACK AND PURPLE DREADS
again at the moment...oo look at me, all gothic eco warrior. Moomin said I need
to get back into dresses and skirts again so that is the plan although this
actually has nothing to do with anything.....shut up Amelia.
Lady Gaga has been cropping up a lot too as 1 I really love her to bits and 2 she is in
the UK at the moment doing some shows. Rumor has it that a certain female
artist based...oo let's say, on Dartmoor, is painting her image let's also say
for a certain Pre Raphaelite Sisterhood school of incredible women of outrageous
fortune....crumbs, I just went a bit Shakespearean then.
My energy levels are soaring, creativity flowing.....enthusiasm escalating, well that
would be the Geopathics of the land's still keeping me awake....

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