Oh.......aaargh!........there we go, frustration coming out on this fine gloomy November
morning. Well it was the unanimous decision to go shopping for 'go with anything
leather boots' last weekend in our local shopping metropolis of everything footwear
related. I was very good and dressed down for the day with black bondage trousers,
full length vampire coat and killer (or just having been killed as Moomin put it)
makeup with very long pvc gloves to top it off. Right...here is my rant of the day,
why is it that most 'go with anything leather boots' seem to be built for the
averagely proportioned girl with legs that would make a chicken very proud.
Oh you know the score...."zip going up.....zip going....oh, it's not going any further."
Maybe it's the fact that we come from generations of quality Dartmoor stock
(walking up hills....and....walking down hills) but I never considered my legs to be
anything other than normal and not even edging into the 'ladies with sturdy pins
department' so why do none of these boots seem to fit?
Having been defeated by the elusive 'go with everything leather boot pixies' I decided
it was time to indulge in one of my 'five a day' ...."I need apple products"
I giggled as we entered one of my biggest fetishistic emporiums, namely the
apple store for a session in gazing wistfully at future soon to be purchased shiny
toys. I decided that it would be a good idea to mark each product of desire with
a bright red lipsticky kiss of passion but the sales girl had other ideas when I
approached a 27 inch imac with the kind of look a fox gives a chicken shortly
before dismantling it for teatime, "hi guys, you having a good day".......I gave her
the broody undead stare as I REALLY dislike being referred to as 'GUYS!'
"well if you must know.....no, we have had problems finding....OH WHERE DID YOU
GET THOSE BOOTS?" I suddenly deviated on noticing the sales girl's
footwear.....conversation turned to more important issues which provided Moomin
and I with a website for 'go with anything, yes even for you weirdy girl...leather boots'
putting the very near purchase of the 27 inch imac on hold...well for now.
Ipad covers though....well thats a completely new rant...don't get me started!